REVIEW | Extraordinary People by Peter May

Title: Extraordinary People

Series: The Enzo Files (#1)

Author: May, Peter

Format: Paperback Pocket Metaixmio

Edition: Greek

Publisher: Metaixmio

Publication: November 16th, 2015

Pages: 440

Goodreads Blurb: 
" What has happened to Jacques Gaillard? The brilliant teacher who trained some of Frances best and brightest at the cole Nationale dAdministration vanished ten years ago. The mystery inspires a bet, one that Scottish biologist Enzo Macleod can ill afford to lose. The wager is that Enzo can find out what happened to Jacques Gaillard by applying new science to an old case. "

My Rating: ✿✿✿

My Review:

Most definitely one of the best books I read this year!!!

Extraordinary People was a book that I picked up because of the Crime Marathon and didn't really think that I would completely and totally fall for!

It was incredibly well-written and genius!

The story revolved around our main character's, Enzo's, ambition to find out if one of the most famous disappearances in Paris' history was a murder. With the help of a journalist at first, and many other exciting characters that became involved in the process, more and more clues came into focus, while one by one, chests with the victim's bones were discovered in different French cities!

Soon, a macabre treasure hunt started!

If this original and unique plot didn't hook you into reading the book, a brief scan of the first few chapters and Enzo's brilliance would immediately get you addicted and eager to breathe this novel cover-to-cover in a matter of mere hours!

While the anxiety for the outcome of the hunt didn't hit me right from the beginning, it kept on being built stone to stone, at least the events reached a climax I would have never in my wildest dreams thought about!

I mean, of course, I had spent many hours thinking about who and what was behind everything, even suspecting a specific someone, but nothing had prepared me for the actual truth!

I also loved the fact that the police was always a step behind Enzo, and Enzo was always a step behind "someone" else!

Amazing, just amazing!

All in all, 10 stars, (5 just doesn't seem nearly enough) 
for a book that pleasantly surprised me and kept me on the edge of my seat 
with its brilliance and unexpectedness throughout the whole read!

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