REVIEW | Ordinary Thunderstorms by William Boyd

Title: Ordinary Thunderstorms

Author: Boyd, William

Format: Paperback Pocket Metaixmio

Edition: Greek

Publisher: Metaixmio

Publication: October 12th, 2015

Pages: 536

Goodreads Blurb: 
" One May evening in London, Adam Kindred, a young climatologist in town for a job interview, is feeling good about the future as he sits down for a meal at a little Italian bistro. He strikes up a conversation with a solitary diner at the next table, who leaves soon afterward. With horrifying speed, this chance encounter leads to a series of malign accidents, through which Adam loses everything—home, family, friends, job, reputation, passport, credit cards, cell phone—never to get them back.

The police are searching for him. There is a reward for his capture. A hired killer is stalking him. He is alone and anonymous in a huge, pitiless modern city. Adam has nowhere to go but down—underground. He decides to join that vast army of the disappeared and the missing who throng London’s lowest levels as he tries to figure out what to do with his life and struggles to understand the forces that have made it unravel so spectacularly. Adam's quest will take him all along the river Thames, from affluent Chelsea to the gritty East End, and on the way he will encounter all manner of London's denizens—aristocrats, prostitutes, evangelists, and policewomen—and version after new version of himself. "

My Rating: ✿✿✿

My Review:

A very interesting read, with an exceptionally unique plot and many many interesting characters!

The book was telling a story of big changes and vast adjustments and great skills of adaptation.

Adam, a young and brilliant scientist, a climatologist, due to a string of unfortunate and random events, witnessed the murder of a new acquaintance. From that moment on, his whole life turned upside down! With the police now searching for him as the murderer, he needed to not only change his name and appearance but his whole lifestyle!

And, in a city of the 21st century that entails never leaving electronic traces behind!
A tough task!

But, Adam managed to surprise me with his skill to adapt to the situation, and soon enough find a way to even make a living, passing from the stage of beggary to have a proper job, and even prospects for promotion!

My only problem with the book was the fact that at first it was a bit slow, but it soon became so fast! Maybe too fast!
Of course, it's only natural as it was full-packed with events and plot twists.

Soon, Adam became a whole new person!
And the side characters, who might not have been the protagonists but were also narrating this story, had to adapt to the changes in their lives, brought upon them because of Adam's actions!

I had a few objections of the ways Adam was behaving for the better part of the book, but of course I knew that the only way to survive the tough life he was forced to lead now, was to do some of those things exactly that way!

All in all, 4 stars for an interesting adventure that 
reminded me of the Jason Bourne style, where you try to stay 
below the radar, but also totally different, with 
huge pharmaceutical corporations and their scandals involved!

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