Book Review | Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Cemetery Boys
by Aiden Thomas 

Yadriel has summoned a ghost, and now he can't get rid of him.

When his traditional Latinx family has problems accepting his true gender, Yadriel becomes determined to prove himself a real brujo. With the help of his cousin and best friend Maritza, he performs the ritual himself, and then sets out to find the ghost of his murdered cousin and set it free.

However, the ghost he summons is actually Julian Diaz, the school's resident bad boy, and Julian is not about to go quietly into death. He's determined to find out what happened and tie off some loose ends before he leaves. Left with no choice, Yadriel agrees to help Julian, so that they can both get what they want. But the longer Yadriel spends with Julian, the less he wants to let him leave.

My Book Rating


My Book Review

An extremely powerful story about the need for acceptance and unconditional love, and the bravery of being oneself!

Cemetery Boys narrated the story of Yadriel, a young trans brujo, who is struggling to be accepted by his traditional family. When his cousin dies under unusual conditions, he will attempt to summon his spirit in order to investigate his murder and prove himself and his powers. But, when the wrong spirit gets summoned, an unexpected adventure will begin...

This particular story and book are so close to my heart, and I am pretty sure it will be a long long time before I forget how deeply they both touched me.
The writing style was very easy-flowing and modern, making me unable to put the book down.

Each and every one of the characters was so well-written, so fun to read about and we managed to get a full glimpse into their ways of thinking and understand their point of view, even if we didn't particularly agree with their opinions or actions.
Yadriel, the main character, was a trans gay boy, a powerful brujo and an amazing hero to read about. His bravery and courage were evident in all his choices. Simultaneously, his inner turmoil was described so accurately that it definitelyhit home.
Maritza, Yads's sidekick, was one of the coolest characters, a vegan bruja who refused to sacrifice or use the blood of animals in order to heal other people. So courageous and brave to be herself in her own way!
Lucian, the ghost Yads accidentally summoned, started out being a fun character with a strong personality but as the book progressed we got more and more glimpses into his mind and we warmed so much towards him.

The magic system in this story was so interesting, with the brujx having different powers depending as to whether they were male or female. The males were able to summon spirits and send them to the afterlife, while the females were capable of healing, both people and animals.

To sum up, Cemetery Boys managed to enter into my heart and nestle there, it touched on fairly sensitive subjects for our society in a way that emphasized the importance of addressing them and accepting everyone for who they really are.

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