Release Day Blitz {Excerpt & Giveaway} -- Sand and Sin (Seaside Heat #1) by Dani Jace

Sand and Sin

Release Day Blitz

Sand & Sin_Cover

Book Title: Sand and Sin 
Author: Dani Jace 
Genre: Military Romance 
Release Date: December 22, 2015 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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Book Blurb

The heart has a mission of its own…

Wounded in more ways than one, Navy SEAL Jax Taylor only understands short-term commitments. And when he walks into the Trident Bar in Virginia Beach, beautiful bartender Peri Halstead sizes him up right away. But that doesn’t stop her from teasing him with her sultry sarcasm, or taking him home—after she finds him passed out cold in the parking lot…

Soon enough, Jax is recovering at Peri’s in return for doing some handyman work, and the sexy sparks are flying—in almost every room in the house. Peri tells herself she deserves some fun, especially now that she’s a single mom with a cheating ex to deal with. But when it’s time for her and Jax to go their separate ways, the miles between them—and the danger that’s about to touch both their lives—has them wondering if Jax can learn to love more than the mission…

Jax climbed from the rental car. Stiff from the transatlantic trip, he limped a few steps but righted his gait before opening the heavy oak door. In his bar experiences, such an entrance usually led to a man cave.

Inside, darkness enveloped him, matching his mood. Pain meds and exhaustion made him irritable. He was still pissed about not being allowed to rejoin his team, and doubly so because TJ had a training op circumventing their party. So much for buddy reunions.

Behind the bar, a tall, lean beauty glanced up from the beer taps. The gnawing ache in his leg disappeared under scrutiny of wide, sea green eyes. Long, wavy hair

surrounded her shoulders like a lion’s mane. His fingers itched to tangle in the strands.

Other more intimate visions flitted through his mind.

Months without a woman made him a sick bastard. Probably in stark contrast to the public’s standard perception of a SEAL, but they didn’t know or understand a Special Operator’s life. What they did for love of country and their brothers in arms. For him, the best antidote after a gruesome mission was down-and-gritty sex.

Before he readjusted his sour expression, she stepped in front of him.

Her lovely gaze branded him with I got your number, sailor.


Peri Halstead approached her newest patron as he saddled up on a bar chair.

His steely-eyed glint hinted at danger. Most of the Trident’s patrons did. “Wow, I’ve only seen one other man stride into this place with a more pissed-off expression than yours.”

“Your ex?” Mr. Dark Blues matched her sarcasm.

She liked him already. The small scar on his chin kept him from appearing too

pretty. “Insightful. Let me guess…vodka tonic.”

He narrowed his gaze.

“Martini?” She smiled and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “You’re too GQ for

domestic beer. Heineken?”

He tightened his jaw.

She must have struck a nerve with the pretty boy comment. “Whiskey on the rocks?”

Raising a brow, he lifted his chin.

Such swagger. She slid a cocktail napkin on the bar in front of him. “You gotta be a Jack man.”

He grinned, revealing near perfect teeth.

Delighted at winning their little game, she winked and stepped away to fetch his

drink. Usually, she went for the rugged variety of handsome, but his straight nose with

slightly elevated bridge was sexy as hell. She poured him a double shot over ice and

returned, planting it in front of him.

“My buddy, TJ, said y’all have the biggest and best cheeseburgers.”

“You’re Jax?”

“Damn, a psychic bartender? Guessed my brand and my name.” He winked.

Eyes as dark blue as a stormy ocean. Lord, she needed to keep her distance with this one. “Wish I was. I’d have more money in the bank. Actually, I’ve seen the picture he carries of you guys partying after BUD/S graduation. TJ talks about you often. Are you here for training?”

“Currently in a holding pattern.” With a roll of his shoulders, he scowled and

thumped his glass down.

Not linebacker thick, he was more like a running back—built for speed. “They call

you GQ.” A Texan not rugged enough to be branded Cowboy and too handsome for Tex.

He sipped his drink, then cleared his throat. “Did TJ share my birthday, too?”

“No. Just a story about you chasing some bad guys through the streets of a South American country in your birthday suit.” Peri grinned.

“Touché.” He held up his glass and shotgunned the remainder of his whiskey.

Usually immune to her bar patrons, she was blindsided with a lust she’d lidded since her daughter was born. “Where’s TJ? Shouldn’t your buddy be showing you the hot spots?”

“Jumping out of a C-130.” He fiddled with his napkin.

“So, you just returned stateside today?”

He checked his expensive, matte-black, multi-function watch that would have

marked him special-ops without their previous conversation. “About two hours ago.”

“Long mission?”

“Months.” He glanced around the bar, then to her.

“It’s early. You still have time to remedy your just-back virgin status.” She smirked.

His gaze burned into her like a blue flame. “Is that an offer?”

Meet the Author

Dani Jace lives in coastal Virginia and enjoys writing headstrong, flip-flop casual heroines and everyday heroes who work with their hands―and other body parts. Claiming the Outer Banks of North Carolina as her second home, she includes the scenic and legendary chain of barrier islands as a setting for many of her tales.

When not working on her next novel, she’s dipping her toes in the ocean, reading or checking out the newest action flick. Her husband, son and many imaginary characters make life complete.
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