Book Blitz {Excerpt & Giveaway} -- Seeking Justice by Rivi Jacks

Seeking Justice
Rivi Jacks
Publication date: May 8th 2015
Genres: Erotica, Romance
Young investigative reporter, Cait Shaw, is not happy about her new assignment; investigating what she deems to be a “seedy” part of Chicago’s more questionable businesses. But her editor seems to have a personal vendetta against the elusive Mr. Justice, leaving Cait with little say in the matter.
Cait is especially shocked and conflicted by her attraction to the irresistible charms of Liam Justice. Liam is like no man she has ever known and she is totally captivated and unprepared for the sinfully erotic, passionate affair they enter into.
As her world is turned upside down, Cait must cope with her growing affection for Liam and his shadowed past.


I head down the hallway past the kitchen to the supply room. The door is stuck, and I give it a bump with my hip reaching around the doorframe for the light switch. The door closes softly behind me as I take a moment looking around for the cocktail napkins. The light in here is dim, but I finally spot the container. Pulling the sliding library ladder along the shelf rail, I climb carefully in my heels until I’m level with the box I want, delving inside to pull out a couple of the napkin packs. As I step down a rung, hands close around my waist startling me, and I step back off the ladder. With a little shriek, I fall into strong arms. I know surprise is registering on my face, but the angry eyes of Liam Justice, glaring down into my own, puzzles me.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
I push against his chest. “Put me down!”
Oh, this is too embarrassing. Not the fact that I feel a fool for falling into his arms or the obvious fact that he’s not happy about it, but because I’m suddenly panting. My chest feels tight, my lungs compressed, and I’m struggling for every breath I take. My lips part as desire coils low in my belly. His eyes flick to my mouth, and then back to my eyes with intent, slowly letting my legs slide down the length of his body. Standing in front of him, my heels bring me closer to his mouth, which plays havoc with my equilibrium. I sway slightly. Snaking his arm around my waist, he anchors me to his front as his other arm reaches up to the back of my head, his hand grabbing a fistful of hair, pulling my head back. An involuntary gasp escapes at his sudden move, and I grasp his broad shoulders, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt.
“Are you trying to break your fucking neck?” His voice is soft, his breath fanning across my face. I struggle for a deep breath, his scent infusing every cell of my body. This man could make a serious dent in the cologne industry if he bottled his mind-numbing scent. His lashes cast shadows on his cheekbones as my eyes move across his face down to his lips.
“No.” I breathe, looking back up to his incredibly blue eyes. I hope he never lets me go—
He leans over me slightly, pressing me against his arm causing my back to bow. There’s some kind of pulsating, vibrating energy passing back and forth between us. I can feel it, and I wonder if he does.
I lick my dry lips. “You… startled me.”
Before I can take another breath, his mouth comes crashing down on mine, his tongue sweeping in to quickly stroke mine. His mouth is hot, and he tastes incredible. With a mind of their own my hands move from his shoulders to delve into his thick, soft hair as he presses his rock hard erection into my lower belly. His mouth moves over mine sucking my bottom lip between his teeth where he bites down gently. He keeps me anchored against his front, and I moan softly when I feel his hand slide up under the skirt of my dress, stroking my thigh, moving up to my hip. His hand is unbelievably warm as his fingers splay around my hip and dig into my bare bottom.
“Your skin is so soft,” he murmurs as his lips move along my jaw to take my tender earlobe between his teeth, biting down. I whimper at the slight pain.
I jerk and almost yelp, grabbing hold of his upper arms when his hand moves from my hip and cups me between my legs. He looks up to meet my eyes. Before I have a chance to decipher his wicked grin he’s twisting the fabric of my thong in his hand, his fingers shredding the delicate fabric as he rips it from my body. I do yelp at the burning sensation where the elastic bites into my skin.
“Caitlyn you need to keep quiet,” he breathes as he bends me back further, placing his mouth in the hollow of my throat, his hand once again cupping my sex. I squeak at the contact and feel his smile against my skin.
“You’re already hot and wet for me.” He raises his head to look into my face. “I do like that, sugar. I like that very much.”

Author Bio:
Rivi Jacks has a lifelong love of books, and she is a true believer in holding on to a good love story. One reason her attic and barn are full of the books she has collected through the years.
She lives in the Missouri Ozarks on a farm with her husband, and when not writing or reading, she likes to take long walks down country roads, cook, fish, and spend time with family and friends.
Rivi has published two books, and she is currently working on the second book of the Sweetwater series.


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