REVIEW: Girl Online by Zoe Sugg

 Title: Girl Online

Series: Girl Online (#1) 

Author: Sugg, Zoe

Format: eBook ARC (Advance Readers Copy) by NetGalley

Edition: English

Publisher: Atria / Keywords Press

Publication: November 25th, 2014

Pages: 352

Goodreads Blurb: 
"I had no idea GirlOnline would take off the way it has - I can't believe I now have 5432 followers, thanks so much! - and the thought of opening up to you all about this is terrifying, but here goes...

Penny has a secret.

Under the alias GirlOnline, she blogs about school dramas, boys, her mad, whirlwind family - and the panic attacks she's suffered from lately. When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets the gorgeous, guitar-strumming Noah. Suddenly Penny is falling in love - and capturing every moment of it on her blog.

But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny's cover - and her closest friendship - forever."

My Rating: ✿✿✿

My Review:

I rarely read contemporary YA novels.
And, that's mostly because I remember my experiences when I was of that age, and, let's say it simply, they don't make feel all that nostalgic! I do feel nostalgic about the books I was reading back in that time, though, which were all of this genre!

But, this book...
This book was so nicely written, so romantic, so hilarious, so heart-breaking, all at the same time, it surpassed my expectations!
And, I will explain every detail shortly!

The author is obviously very talented, and very aware of blogging (as is stated on her bio, too). The book was flowing so easily, I practically devoured it! If I didn't have studying to do, I am positive I would end it in just one sitting!

The relationship between Penny and Noah made me feel so happy for them! And, the way everyone around them handle it, just impossible! I want my parents to be as cool about such things as Penny's! (And, to think that I'm quite older than Penny, too!)

I can't even get into much detail about all the times I ACTUALLY laughed out loud while reading this book! It has been so long that a book has made me all giggly, that I practically loved it for it!

But, that doesn't mean there weren't any heart-breaking moments throughout the book!
There were some embarrassing ones that made me feel really bad about Penny, but there were some others that just grabbed my heart, threw it on the floor and started jumping on top of it! (Yes, so vividly I experienced them)! And, the weird thing is that I actually loved those moments, too! Because, just like in life, you can't have happiness without a little bit (or quite more) of sadness, in books, it can get really boring and unreal if everything is just perfect and dreamy all the time!
Plus, you can't really appreciate the good times if you don't experience the bad ones, too.
And, believe me, there are plenty of good times I would have needed to appreciate if things were different!

But, there is one more thing about this book that actually stole my heart!
I completely loved how beautifully the author handled Elliott's sexuality, letting us know in such a nice way that he is gay, without over the top comments and what-not!
Despite the fact that I do not approve of parents behaving badly to their children because of their sexuality, or even simply denying it, I also loved the fact that it depicted the truth! Such a sad truth, really, but if you've read the novel you know what I'm talking about, and why I loved it!

And if you haven't read the novel, go go go, pick it up! Even if you aren't in that kind of stuff, like me! I'm so sure you are going to love it!

All in all, 5 stars for a beautiful book 
that had perfect proportions of all of the fine 
(and of the not-so-fine, too) elements in life, 
I would recommend to absolutely everyone!

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