RELEASE & REVIEW: The Earth Key by Jennifer L. Kelly

 Title: The Earth Key

Series: The Elementals (#2)

Author: Kelly, Jennifer L.

Format: eBook ARC (Advance Readers Copy)

Edition: English

Publication: December 6th, 2016

Pages: 289

Goodreads Blurb: 
"In book two, Ka's journey continues as she travels to the Land of Earth to retrieve and destroy the Earth stone. Her mother went to great lengths in order to protect her from the Imminent Darkness, but there are consequences for hiding the truth. Someone has lied and someone will die as the Imminent Darkness grows stronger in its quest for retribution."

My Rating: ✿✿✿✿

My Review:

❗ This is the second book in the series, you can read my review of the first book HERE ❗

The first book in The Elementals series, Army Of Fire (let's call it AOF! I love giving nicknames to things I love) was something else! It contained action, so much plot and so much imagination that became one of my favorite reads of 2016.

But THIS book, The Earth Key (how about TEK)? It even surpassed that point!
It was so PACKED with action and new information kept coming for Ka, her background, her mother and her involvement in all of this, the dark enemies Kata is called to fight...

Wow! Just, wow!
And, this is even a synopsis of everything going on.
But, let's take it one at a time!

Kata! In the first book I liked the character she started showing, but in the second book, she seems to have grown all that much more!
And, it is so logical with each part of her personality being given back to her. And, the fact that she is no longer kept in the dark!

I loved all the heroes and her friends, and people that support her, and her protector (OF COURSE), and at the same time I hated so fiercely her enemies!
Which felt so good and so exhilarating!

And, let me take a moment to admire Jennifer L. Kelly's vast imagination!
In AOF, Ka visited the Fire dimension, where the Fire stone was hidden!
In TEK, she visited the Earth planet, to retrieve the corresponding stone!

You would never believe how detailed are all the descriptions for each planet, how well-thought everything is, if you don't read the books yourself.
It really made me feel like the author had witnessed it all herself!

An amazing talent! The same goes for her writing, too.

AOF was released in October 25th, and EAK on December 6th! The rest of the books in The Elementals series will be available withing one year!!! How awesome is that?
I'm already on board for a fantastic year full of exciting new releases by Jennifer!

All in all, can I give more than 5 stars to this 
incredibly well-thought and planned book?? 
5 doesn't seem near enough!

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