Review Tour {Excerpt & Giveaway} -- A Woman of Courage (Honour, Love, and Courage #3) by Marlow Kelly

A Woman of Courage
by Marlow Kelly


GENRE: Historical Romance



When an injured Fianna Byrne turns up at Connell O’Neill’s gate twelve years after their separation he knows this could be his last chance to find happiness with the woman he loves.

False accusations against Fianna had strained relations between their clans and forced Connell, under Irish law, to divorce her. Their disastrous three-month relationship left Fianna pregnant and heartbroken. She has avoided Duncarraig and her ex-husband ever since.

But with her home obliterated by the Vikings, Fianna must face her past in order to save her son, and prove once and for all she is a woman of courage.



Twelve years ago she’d been Connell’s wife. His devastating rejection of her, after only three months of marriage, and their subsequent divorce caused a pain so real it twisted her insides. The hostilities that ensued after their separation, followed by an uneasy truce when she found she was pregnant with their son, Lorcan, made it prudent to restrict her contact.

During their short marriage he had weakened her in a way no other man could. She’d transformed into a woman so overtaken with lust she’d been blind to everything, including his true feelings. With Connell all her instincts, control, and intellect became like overcooked oats, a sludge that thought of nothing except him.

Her breath caught when her former husband strode out of the large central house, marching toward her. His long limbs and easy stride accentuated the rippling muscles of his legs. Every movement emphasized his grace and strength. He was still tall and broad, with long, smooth, black hair and a black beard to match. He would have been too handsome, too pretty, if it hadn’t been for his large crooked nose. That imperfection added to his allure, making him more appealing. Her pulse quickened, and her body warmed with need. She forgot her reason for being here, forgot everything except him. Damn it. Even in her injured state, with everything she had endured, he still had the ability to turn her mind to mud.



Fianna and Connell's clans were united when they were married, at the young ages of 17 and 19 respectively. But, after only three months, Connell's father started feeling threatened by Fianna's intelligence. He threatened to kill her if his son didn't divorce her.

Fianna's exile made the two clans hostile towards each other. Her pregnancy with Connell's child forced the two opposing clans to make a truce.

Twelve years later, a common enemy will bring both Fianna and Connell and their clans together, when the young woman shows up to Connell's fort's gates, wounded and covered in blood.

Connell, realizing what a terrible mistake he made all those years back, is determined to do his best in order to win back the woman he never really got over. But, will Fianna be able to trust him that his painful rejection of her twelve years ago was forced by his father?

An intriguing and suspenseful story that told the tale of two tortured people, who are called to decide whether they are willing to take their fates on their own hands.

I enjoyed the way the author narrated the story and I completely loved the two characters!

Especially Fianna had a very special place in my heart, as I deeply appreciated her! She was a strong, intelligent, brave woman, hardened by the tough turns her life had taken and the choices she was forced to take. Willing to do everything in order to save her son and her clan, she took great risks, putting in the line of fire both her life and her heart.

Connell has been torturing himself for letting Fianna go, for the past twelve years, conscious that she is the only woman that has ever affected him like she did. I deeply enjoyed the way he tried to win her over and regain her trust, even if he was aware how hard it would prove to be, and how badly he had hurt her in the past.

I also loved the setting of the plot around 800 A.D., an era I would very much like to know more about!

All in all, 4 stars for an intriguing tale of two tortured souls 
who slowly try to gain each other's trust, 
while at the same time fighting for their own lives!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

After being thrown out of England for refusing to drink tea, Marlow Kelly made her way to Canada where she found love, a home and a pug named Max. She also discovered her love of storytelling. Encouraged by her husband, children and let’s not forget Max, she started putting her ideas to paper. Her need to write about strong women in crisis drives her stories and her curiosity regarding the lives and loves of historical figures are the inspiration for her characters. You can visit Marlow at


Marlow Kelly will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host. Additionally, Goddess Fish Productions will be awarding a $5 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the wonderful review.

  2. Thank you for the excerpt and review~it sounds like a great read. This has been a terrific book tour and I've enjoyed learning about you and your book!

    1. Thanks Betty, I'm so glad you stopped by, and I'm glad you enjoyed the tour.

  3. That's great DanieX. I hope you enjoy it.
