Cover Reveal {Excerpt, Teasers & Giveaway} -- Lost and Found (My Heart Is Yours #3) by Teri McGill

The path to Paradise begins in Hell.
Title: Lost & Found
Author: Teri McGill
Series: My Heart is Yours, book 3 (Standalone)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 13, 2016
Cover Designer: Lousia at LM Creations
Editor: Hot Tree Editing

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              For over a decade, Tag Coleman has been struggling to exorcise his demons.
              Constantly haunted by his first love’s death, he aches for a second chance at happiness, but guilt screams one undeniable fact: he does not deserve it. Can Tag’s shattered soul ever find forgiveness and allow him to love again?
              Emery Lawson’s one and only goal is to uncover the truth surrounding a tragic accident that took her cousin’s life. She embarks on a journey to find the one person who could be responsible, with unexpected, life-altering results.
              When your soulmate — the love of your life — is lost, what are the chances of ever finding another? Is it possible for a heart to be … Lost and Found?

“Tyler, did you tell anyone about my past, all that shit I told you months ago? I’m not fuckin’ around here,” Tag seethed.
              “No. Not a damn word to anybody. Why?”
              “That girl reminded me of my Randi. It freaked me out.”
“Don’t over-analyze, Tag. Just go with it. You’re obviously attracted to her, and she seems like a nice, normal girl.”
“What the fuck are you babbling about? You trying to set me up with her?” Exasperated, Tag shook his head at Tyler.
              “What the hell’s wrong with her, Tag? She’s real sweet.”
              A sarcastic snigger escaped Tag’s grim lips. “T-man, do you fuckin’ know me at all? I don’t do sweet, nice, or normal. I prefer slutty, crazy, and disposable. If I’m goin’ straight to Hell, might as well take the scenic route in the HOV lane.”
“Tag, enough!” Tyler sneered. “I know all about your love life, or should I say loveless life, because that used to be me. Slutty, crazy, disposable — lather, rinse, repeat. You are the Goddamn hat trick of heartbreak, buddy. Been there. Fuck. That. Your life is circling the drain; thirty-two and going on dead. Wake the fuck up! It’s time for a change, buddy. I wasted more years than you have been alive, but look at me now. I’m living proof it’s never too late.”

Catch up with the My Heart is Yours series
Signs of a Quiet Heart
(Book 1)
Teri McGill grew up in Queens, New York and moved to warm and sunny Los Angeles in 1994, immediately following the Northridge earthquake. She taught Mathematics to deaf high school students for thirty years, which explains some of the recurring themes in her stories. When she is not at the computer, either writing or beta reading/proofreading, she enjoys working out, golf, mosaics, Math tutoring, and watching sports.
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