Promo Tour {Excerpt & Giveaway} -- Hidden (Five Fates, #1) by Amy McKinley

by Amy McKinley


GENRE:  Paranormal Romance



Cursed since birth, hunted by gods, and desperate for love—Jade never stood a chance.

Half-demon, half-goddess, Jade’s fate makes her a pawn in an epic battle among the gods. Hidden on Earth with her sisters, she successfully avoids the Oneiroi—the dream gods—bent on her destruction until the prophecy, long dormant, awakens a dark shadow within her.

Roen, a reclusive Worr demon known for his battles against the Oneiroi, is called to protect Jade. Together they must unlock their mysterious connection and find a way to beat back destiny. Can she outsmart the prophecy, change her fate, and find love—even when she learns who is connected to her destruction?



Hades kissed his wife, Persephone, one last time before reluctantly relinquishing her above ground, where her mother impatiently waited.

“Behave while I’m gone, Hades.” Persephone traced a pink-kissed nail along her husband’s dark jawline.

He was loathe to shave too often as the rough stubble against her skin excited her. “Six months is ridiculously long,” he murmured against her lush lips. “Find a way to meet me at the meadow.”

Mischief danced in her eyes as she stepped onto the boat which would ferry her along the River Styx, leading her out of the Underworld. “It’s a date,” she purred, blowing her husband a sultry kiss.

That woman slays me. He watched until she was out of sight. Once his bride was gone, his attention returned to his beloved Underworld and the current state it was in.

Hades leapt onto his chariot. A resounding crack split the air as he commanded his four black horses to lead him past boiling lava pits and stalagmites to the deepest, fiery pits of the abyss—Tartarus.

Creatures scampered out of his way. Fallen angels and demons went about their business—lest they draw his anger—as he thundered past. Tormented screams echoed off cavernous walls and pools of fiery despair. His pulse roared in his veins. He reveled at what he was about to see…

The Fates’ curse had begun.

Reining his steeds to a halt, he dismounted, his black boots crunching on a mixture of bones and jagged pieces of rock. Amidst the prisons, the things of nightmares tortured imprisoned souls.

A laugh rumbled up from his gut and rolled out. He threw back his head then ran his hands through his black hair, freeing it from its tie. Pers wasn’t here right now, due to his brother, Zeus’s, acquiescence to Demeter.

Hades ignored the slow burn in his chest at the thought of his wife being gone for six long months and focused on the game of persecuting his brother instead, for he knew a thing or two about Aiesa’s offspring that Zeus did not.

An ear-splitting scream rent the air, snapping Hades out of his thoughts. New souls.

He knew who sent them. Although he benefitted from so many entering his domain, his brother would not be happy.

What a perfect time to pay Zeus a visit.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Amy McKinley is a freelance writer and author. She lives in Illinois with her husband, their four talented teenagers, and three mischievous cats. Her debut novel, Hidden is the first in the Five Fates Series.

Connect with Amy
Twitter: Amy McKinley@amymckinley7


Prizes for the tour are as follows:
• One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

• One randomly chosen host will receive a $25 Amazon/ gift card.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. In your opinion, what is the best Disney movie to come out since Disney’s Golden Age?

  2. Thank you so much for hosting me! I'm happy to answer any questions and good luck on the drawing :)

  3. Hi Mai :) I love Disney movies. I remember a favorite as a child being re-runs of Escape to Witch Mountain and later Race to Witch Mountain.The Rescuers were also known to hold my attention. And who doesn't love Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Brave and so many of the princess movies? I've watched them over and over again with my kids and really enjoy them. The Game Plan is one I will watch again and again, so cute! Now we are watching The Avengers. Great questions and really hard to narrow it down, there are so many great movies and I'm only hitting on a few that I like. Thank you so much for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway!

  4. Hades and Persephone have always intrigued me!


  5. Hi Trix :) Me too. I love reading and writing about mythology. In this series I've given the gods a few storylines of their own, hope you like them! Good luck on the drawing :)

  6. Enjoyed the excerpt, sounds like a great read, thanks for sharing!

  7. Hi Eva. Thanks! I hope you enjoy Jade's story and I appreciate you stopping by. Good luck in the drawing.

  8. Sounds like an interesting read.

  9. Thank you, Kylei. I hope you enjoy Jade's story. And the second in the series is due to release through Champagne Books in the spring. Good luck in the giveaway :)

  10. Thanks, Rita! I hope you like it and good luck in the drawing :)

  11. Thanks for sharing the excerpt! I enjoyed reading it.

  12. Thank you, Victoria. I appreciate you stopping by and good luck in the drawing!

  13. Ooo this looks brilliant! I love books about the greek gods!

  14. Me too! And writing about them, of course. Thanks so much for stopping by, Ginger Betty. I hope you enjoy Jade's story. Layla's will be out in the spring. Good luck in the drawing :)

  15. Thank you for stopping by, Nurmawati and good luck in the drawing. :)
