TRAILER REVEAL | As You Lay Sleeping by Katyn Duncan

As You Lay Sleeping
by Katyn Duncan
Genre: YA Thriller
Release Date: February 22nd 2017
HQ Digital

Summary from Goodreads:

I did it all for you…

Cara’s boyfriend is dead.

When fingers start pointing at her, she knows she’s in more trouble than she originally thought. Because Cara can see that something isn’t right.

As her carefully constructed life begins to crumble, Cara isn’t sure who she is anymore.

But maybe that’s exactly what someone wants her to think…


About the Author

I've been writing and reading since I can remember. My fondest memories were pushing mom out of the house to get the latest Goosebumps installment. Even though I went to school and worked in the field of science, my head has always been in the clouds.

Outside of writing, I enjoy spending time with my hubs, pup, and sometimes a good rom com.

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