Cover Reveal {Excerpt, Teasers & Giveaway} -- The Final KO by Jessica Florence

Today we have the gorgeous cover reveal for Jessica Florence’s THE FINAL KO. Check out the excerpt she’s sharing with us and enter to win a giftcard!!

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About The Final KO: I fight bitches for a living. Which makes finding a decent guy hard when you're a female MMA fighter. None of them have been my equal. I yearn for a man who can push me to reach new heights and challenge me. A man who will treat me like a lady then lift me up by my ass and impale me against the wall. But when Arson Kade, MMA's top fighter and notorious manwhore declares he's that man for me I have my doubts. Any sane woman would. There seems to be more to Arson than the rumors that surround him, but will it make me fall hard or run for the hills? I know I've got no choice but to hold on for the ride. It's the main event and my heart's on the line But will it be the Final KO?

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Exclusive Excerpt

 “Your boyfriend. He’s a prick. You deserve better.” He stopped a foot away from me, my four inch heels brought us to an even height. His breath mingled with mine. I was too stunned to move. This man who I found extremely attractive was in my space, making my body start to short circuit, telling me my boyfriend was a prick. Boyfriend?   “He’s not my boyfriend. My agent sent him as my date.” I felt a strange need to let him know that I wasn’t attached. His eyes closed and he took a deep breath. When they opened again I swear I could have orgasmed right there in the garden. The eye fucking he was giving me was so raw I found myself leaning in to get closer.   “Good. You deserve so much more.” I took a step back, trying to disconnect whatever this was. He was Arson fucking Kade. MMA’s notorious bad boy. I didn’t need that. He was not the man I was looking for. I tried to take another step but his strong arms reached out and brought me flushed against his hard body. I didn’t even think there was any words for how his body pressed up against mine made me feel. Every part of me was alive and sensitive.   “Ask me what you deserve.” His breath danced across my cheek. I complied without a fight.   “What do I deserve?” I spoke softly, while looking into his eyes. A low rumble came from his chest and I knew I had pleased him. I felt my sex start to throb from the feeling of pleasing this man.   “You deserve to be treated like the fucking warrior goddess you are. Beautiful, strong, perfect. You deserve a man that can worship your body all night softly, then pull your hair back and fuck you till you scream out in release, over and over. You deserve an equal in life, but a man to dominate you in bed. You deserve the flowers and the fucks.” His fingers gripped my bare back harder. Bringing me closer to him. His hips flexed and I felt his cock hard against my sex. I mewled at the feeling. God I wanted exactly what he said. I wanted it so badly. It’s actually all I have ever wanted but could never find. Sparks flew throughout my nerves as his nose ran along my neck. The feeling of his breath and soft touch was thrilling and yet terrifying. He affected me so strongly. Did he think he was that man he described? I wasn’t so sure. Arson Kade didn’t do flowers, he just did the fucks. “I don’t even know you.” I whispered but still allowed him to hold me close and tease me with his nose touching me. “You will.” His voice was strong but whispered like mine. Shivers broke out over my skin.


1048276_10151425332561710_150566047_oAbout Jessica Florence: Jessica Florence, Author of Erotic Romance. Writer of Surviving Valentine. The of The Heart trilogy, Evergreen,Guiding lights, The Final KO. When she's not writing her next invigorating story. You can find her running her own business, and spending time with her husband and daughter in southwest florida. Jessica loves to interact with her readers, find her on


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