Book Blitz {Teasers & Author Interview} -- Love Is An Action by Bry Foster

Love Is An Action
Bry Foster
Publication date: November 17th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Khloe Hudson is all out of everything.
All out of patience for her alcoholic father. All out of money from her summer job savings. All out of scholarship essay ideas. And all out of room in her heart for people who don’t care to see her for who she really is.
But even she has to admit that the French jerk attending her academy is starting to worm his way in just a bit.
Cash Castille couldn’t care less about what Khloe thinks she knows. None of her advanced classes have taught her that love isn’t something that can be measured or figured out using scientific methods. Actions often speak louder than words. And although he gets a rise out of driving her crazy, he can’t help but wonder when her brain will stop arguing with what their hearts already know.
When Cash drops a bomb and asks for the favor of a lifetime, Khloe reluctantly agrees because despite the terms, she needs the benefits of their arrangement. However, as Cash and Khloe navigate through their new found relationship, she can’t help but wonder if the cost of this ploy will be another expense she can’t afford to give. Her heart.


“…Every inch of your skin is like a perfect brush stroke on a painting no man could create. The honey flecks in your eyes like little pieces of caramel in a sea of chocolate. The curves of your body…” His fingers gently trace my body. “And, of course, the more carnal things. The way you smell, the way you taste…When I tell you I love you, it’s because I mean it, unconditionally…because love is a verb to me, Khloe.”

2.) “I don’t think he will ever know how much that meant to me. That even without knowing it, he was answering the calls of my heart and not deterred by my words. My mouth may have been telling him to go but my heart…is always begging someone to stay.”

Author Interview:

1.) Can you to tell us a little bit about yourself?

            Hi! So, I’m Bry. I’m 23 and an Army wife. I love to read, write, bake—not well but, good enough…I’m a pretty free spirit. I probably swear too much and I have a pretty big sweet tooth.

2.) When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer?

            I’ve always written. I never imagined that I would actually publish anything though. I started dabbling on a writer’s webpage a couple of years ago and began receiving encouragement to publish from not only fans on the site but also my husband. After that I started seriously pursuing wrinting.

3.) When did you start writing your first book?

            I started LIAA a little over a year ago. It’s changed so much since then that it’s hardly the same book. I wasn’t consistently writing it, I just started it and I would write here and there when the mood struck me. I wasn’t a full-time writer so, my writing was very lax in that way.

4.) Chocolate or Vanilla?

            Strawberry ;)

5.) How would you describe Khloe, the main character in the book?

            I would describe Khloe as head strong, to a fault. She is very set in her ways. Khloe believes that if she walks a certain line, that she will be prosperous in achieving her goals. It’s not until Cash comes along that she realizes she can afford to loosen up more. By the end, I think she understands what she’d been missing out on by keeping herself closed off. She’s book smart but, she doesn’t flaunt it. And when she loves, she loves fiercely.

6.) Where do you get your ideas?

            Crazily enough, my ideas usually come to me when characters start talking in my head. The conversations can come from any time frame in the story and they won’t stop having the same conversation until I write it down somewhere. After that, questions about the characters start to form in my mind. How did they get into this situation? What are their backgrounds? My process is kind of fill in the blank. LOL

LIAA started out with Khloe and Cash conversing about his big secret. He was asking her to join his crazy plot. And Khloe spent most of her time in my head, freaking out in her head.

7.) Favorite color?

            Lime green..but sometimes pink *dramatic sigh*.

8.) What project are you working on now?

            Currently, I’m working on two separate paranormal works that I’m really excited about.

9.) Are there certain characters you would like to go back to?

            I’d love to do a book about Liz. I think she has a lot to offer readers that enjoy LIAA.

10.) What were the challenges you experienced with getting your first book published?

            Where to start? I had so many challenges with getting the manuscript for LIAA written, edited, and on the way to publishing. I think one of the biggest challenges was finding the confidence to just write. I find that when I write for me, my character’s thoughts and actions come naturally. It doesn’t feel forced like when I first started freaking out about the prospect of publishing. Also, finding beta readers that I was compatible with was challenging. Luckily, I happened to meet some great ladies that I am excited to work with again.

11.) What would your protagonist think about you? Would she want to hang out with you, the author, as her creator?

            I think Khloe would like me. We have similar senses of humor and I can relate to her issues with her father. On the other hand, the fact that neither of us do well with holding our tongues might lead to a strain in our friendship :)

12.) Favorite movie?

             I have tons of favorite movies but, the first one that comes to mind is the First Wives Club!

Author Bio:

My name is Bry. I was born in San Diego, CA but raised in central TX. After years of writing poems and short stories and making my family read them, the characters in my head have finally matured--mostly-- and demanded to be heard. I enjoy all things paranormal and believe sarcasm is a second language that I have mastered. I adore flawed female characters that aren't afraid to speak their mind (even to the point of driving other characters mad). I am an Army wife and the mother of a four year old little boy who demands that I call him Iron Man or Donny (Ninja Turtles) on any given day.

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